Many factors influence the financial situation in the event of divorce and separation of property
Many factors influence the financial situation after a division of property due to an ended marriage. The assets and debts must be assessed. Inheritance and pension must be studied separately. A compensation in connection with separate property may become relevant, or a maintenance payment to one of the spouses. If there are children of the marriage, agreements must be made determining who is to have the children and a possible child support. The divorce or separation in itself usually also involves costs. The application in itself is not expensive; the current price is only 500 kr. However, other costs may arise out of the changed situation: the home or the car must be sold, loans must be remortgaged, or other measures must be taken.
Also, you may not be able to agree with the spouse you are going to divorce.
How can you use a divorce lawyer?
If the situation seems unclear, and if you are not sure which agreement will be right for you, you may find it to your advantage to contact our lawyer specialising in divorces. We believe in agreements rather than in lawsuits. Therefore, we usually help our customers find a reasonable solution out of court, giving a better result at a much cheaper price than a lawsuit in court.
Assets and debts in the event of divorce and separation.
If neither spouse has separate property, there is a community of property in the marriage; meaning in principle that in the situation arisen in the event of a divorce or a separation the spouses shall divide everything between them. Not only towels and china, but also car, computers, telephones, money, pass books, boat, camping car etc. The debt, too, is included in the division. It might be complicated to grasp, as you are only liable for your own debt and the joint debt, but not for your spouse’s debt. However, your spouse’s debt is included in the assessment of property. Both the husband’s and the wife’s properties contributed to the marriage are assessed, and the spouse holding the majority of assets shall pay to the other spouse.
Pension in relation to divorce can be complicated.
Pension schemes can be difficult in connection with division of property. Earlier, endowment policies and fixed-term part-payment pensions were to be divided between the spouses, but this no longer applies. In principle, the pension follows the spouse out of the marriage. However, a compensation may have to be paid to the spouse, who is in a less favourable situation after the marriage has ended. The compensation is not something you get automatically. It will have to be applied for, and perhaps you may have to go to court to obtain it. It is advisable to go through your pensions with a lawyer, when the marriage is about to end.